The Year End Story of a 28 Years Old Me

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When I turned 28 I have a mixed-up feeling of rainbows and butterflies, of gray skies and spiders and a lot of things.

Let me tell you my 2016 story; I was employed at the start of the year, remember my story of being jobless at 27? Well, I got a job offer sometime around December.

I was so happy, imagine being holed up in your room on your own for almost a year, working for eight to twelve hours depending on the number of clients or projects I take, that's freelancing for you. Im not regretting that, I meet a few new faces thru Skype, learned new things about the industry I belong thru constant online meetings and seminars held by the company Im working.

Anyway, so I was employed, started working on the first working day of January, meet new colleagues and become a part of a quirky but cool team. Months pass and honestly, I don't think its going to work. I love the community, I love my teammates but my tasks are going in circles, the client I was working with wants us to do tasks that are no longer working, we would suggest new things but then again, go back to where we started. But since I love the working community I continued with the hope that things will get better. It did not.

And now here I am again, back to being a freelancer. The good thing is, I learned something, God probably wants something else from me.